Picture this – To illustrate, you are a cup, and within this cup is everything you intake into your mind and body. You want the water to be pure and clean but it gets muddied by dirt, dust and bacteria. So, it needs to refresh and renew.
How can I refresh and renew my life?
In order to refresh and renew, you have to be able to see. When we see the blemishes or dirty waters in our lives, we have a choice. We must decide whether to allow the toxicity to continue or to nip it in the bud. All of us are guilty of often letting things into our lives that bring negativity. These can harm us mentally, emotionally, or physically. This can include both people and things we become tempted by and indulge in.
Sometimes, our vision can be blurred or tinted when it comes to these things. So, it takes a lot of strength, willpower and determination to let it go. These can be bad habits like addictions that require hard work and commitment. However, you will always have someone in your corner to help you no matter what you struggle with. It can also be a harmful relationship. Bad things take joy, hope and peace from you. Whereas good things bring light to your life. This can be through supporting you, loving you, all in all helping you to grow. Bad things steal, kill and destroy.
Grow, refresh and sustain
You must find what is good for you. Discover what helps you to grow and what sustains you. Nurture that in your life. It can be a hobby or a relationship. It is even the things you eat and drink. These nourish your body and strengthen your mind. They will also help to refresh and restore you.
You have the choice of what you allow into your life and how it affects you. You can’t control anything else.
Still, you can learn to control your own mind. This enables you to create a healthy lifestyle for yourself. Go against the grain of those common negative forces and speak positivism and encouragement over your life.
There is a time of refreshing. It comes as you remove yourself from the toxicity. Ground yourself in self-love and care. Be mindful about where you spend your energy and focus.
True healing is when the soul is at peace.
Self-love and self-care affirmation products below: