‘Music is the Medicine of the Mind.’
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(CD’s, Streaming and Mp3 Options Available)
- Ambiance Music
- Babies, Infants & Children’s songs and sounds
- Christian Albums
Ambiance Music
- Sounds of nature, guided meditations, bird songs, classical melodies and white noise. For relaxation and a peaceful state of mind.

Babies, Infants & Children’s Music
- Featuring dance songs with actions, nursery rhymes, lullabies and white noise sounds.

Christian Albums
- With artists such as Carrie Underwood, Brandon Lake, Chris Tomlin, Elevation, Cece Williams and more.

Follow the link to my blog ‘Let’s Be Real’ Blog – helping you become the best you. On my blog I talk about the many listed albums and which ones helped me when I was going through dark periods in my life.
I will keep the page up-to-date with new sounds which can help with Mental Health and restfulness. The ambiance sounds I found were the best that have multiple testimonials stating how they helped people to rest and unwind.
I have listed songs for Children as these help with learning and engage with them on a different level.
The Christian music is for everyone not just specified to Christians. There are multiple songs non-Christians have listened to and related to. I found these albums in particular stood out to me when I went through depression.