Why Art and Plants benefits your environment:
Having art and plants in your home environment improves emotional wellbeing. Studies show they also enhance mental wellbeing and improve cognitive functions. Plus, both art and plants promote a state of mindfulness and peace. Art and plants boost your mood, combat depression and increase your productivity by 15%.
As a matter of fact, there are certain plants that actually will alleviate stress. And the same can be said for art.
The benefits of having plants:
Our senses need to be satisfied. What I mean by this is, plants provide clean air which makes your body and mind happy. Unclean air that is damp or musty affects you oppositely. It causes irritation and can lead to health problems. Therefore, having plants that are especially aimed at purifying the air will help keep your environment happy. Your eyes are also visually pleased by the sights of nature. It is natural to be drawn to greenery and life. Having these in your home decorates your living space as you choose. This increases your satisfaction. It adds to a happy space visually.
‘They who plant a garden plant happiness.’
Plants connect you to nature helping us to appreciate the beauty of life. They also give you a sense of responsibility to nourish, water and feed them. From this you will gain a greater sense of achievement in caring for life and watching it grow and flourish. This can motivate you in relation to yourself. It can also inspire you in any relationships or goals. These will prosper through your efforts in watering and nourishing them in your life.
I have selected a few plants below that promote happiness and wellness: (All come under air purifying plants)

For more plants visit page Plants and Water Features Bringing New Life to Your Life
The benefits of art:
‘Art, undeniably, is conductive to happiness.’
Art stimulates creativity and openness. It takes you to a different place. And it can inspire you to be creative or give you a thirst for adventure or travel.
It’s important that we make our home environment happy filling it with life and what makes us happy. Art and plants is one way of doing this for a happy mind and body.
I have selected a few examples of paintings below that promote happiness:

For more art visit page Art – For Good Health, Peace, Mindfulness, and Happy Thoughts
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