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Contact and Connect

There is power in sharing and vulnerability.

Not everyone finds it easy to talk to other people. This can apply to people in general or even close friends and relations. You’re never alone. At times it may feel that way but we can’t always trust our feelings as our guide. Some people find it easier to talk to people they don’t know, whereas other people are the opposite. However or whoever you choose to talk to it’s important that you feel listened to. I found it hard to put my feelings into words. Opening up was overwhelming for me. I found different exercises and prompts from books I read were helpful. Practising self-love and being kinder to myself made me feel more confident to speak.

Contact and Connect today and we will support you on your journey.

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Find below some books that help in communicating your thoughts and feelings. You will find multiple books and guides on page Helpful Mental Health Books, Guides and Courses For You where you will find resources available to you to help in what you’re going through.