7 Practical Strategies to Reduce Stress, Clear your Mind and Live in the Present

How often does your worried mind stop you with what ifs?

The Seven Practical Strategies:

  1. Physical Activity
  2. Mindfulness and Meditation
  3. Cognitive restructuring
  4. Decluttering you mental load
  5. Emotional Management
  6. Digital Detox
  7. A Clear Mind



This book breaks down 7 practical strategies to identify and manage your physical, mental and emotional patterns. Also, it teaches good techniques to practice daily giving you a solid walk-through, encouraging self-reflection. Self-care, self-love and especially self-improvement are at the very heart of the theme. Moreover, it is a handy book for the overthinker guiding you through a Mental detox. For example, challenging your negative beliefs and thoughts to achieve positive ones.

Stress and worry stop progression and cause you to live in fear; fear of tomorrow that awakens today. This book will certainly help you to discipline your mind. It will help you organize your day to day life in order to live for the better.

Finally, the key take is gaining understanding and beginning to put into action these practical steps. The Author uses good language and explanation as to how overthinking has side affect like Anxiety as a result. Plus, teaching counter attacks to when overthinking strikes. All in all, it is a straightforward read suitable for all ages who struggle with overthinking.

For more Mental Health Books and Guides visit Helpful Mental Health Books, Guides and Courses For You

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